
In a world and age that is continuously batteling for all to conform to it's own system of beliefs,
there is answer to this ancient struggle.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Miracle of Mercy

(Words by Chanda Canup)

Lord, You hear me, when all I have is a whisper.
Lord You answer me, before I call.
Lord, You already prepared the path, ahead of me.

And You plan to rescue me, long before I fall.

And I wonder how it is, You could want me.
When You know, each and every thing I’ve done.
You are the One who knows me best,
You are the One who loves me most.

It’s a miracle of mercy, One even the angels gaze upon.
It’s a miracle of mercy, that You would die for a sinner like me.
It’s a miracle of mercy , One even the angels gaze upon.
It’s a miracle of mercy, death, You have conquered once and for all.

Lord You’re there when I seek You, in the morning.
And You’re there seeking me, when I stray.
Lord You waited for the day, that I said yes to You.
Yeah, when I didn’t even know You, You loved me anyway.

Still I know I’ll disappoint You again
I know I’ll let You down
And my heart is broken over
The times I’ve failed.
And yet You promise to forgive,
To remember my sins no more
Cause Your love is never ending
And in the end, it will always prevail…

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