
In a world and age that is continuously batteling for all to conform to it's own system of beliefs,
there is answer to this ancient struggle.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Lord, I Have Sinned

(words by Scott Canup)
Lord, I have sinned,
You are holy.
I've disobeyed You,
You are worthy.
I've wandered far away,
You still love me,
You still love me.

Take my life,
it is Yours, Lord
You have saved me,
Draw me close,
I am Yours, Lord,
I am Yours.

I'm sorry Lord, You are worth far more,
Sin and brokenness is all I have to bring.
When I surrender, In the midst of Your holiness,
Your mercy I find running straight to me.
Straight to me.

It's through Your longing,
It's through Your loving,
You want holiness for me.

And through Your dying,
and through Your rising,
You offer to make me clean,
You offer to make me clean.


Chanda Canup said...

You are beautiful and I love you!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.